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Breaking Through Digital Clutter with Direct Mail Advertising

90% of Millennials prefer direct mail over email, viewing it as a more reliable source of information.

Today the majority of people spend their time online, or are involved in an activity that requires some sort of online navigation. With the digital marketplace becoming the center of connectivity for social and businesses alike, it’s hard for professionals to escape the need for digital advertising. However, the over saturation of digital ads can leave consumers feeling bombarded and overwhelmed and businesses may find it expensive to deliver their message to the right people at the right time.

“Junk mail” has been redefined. For the smartphone generation, it's email spam and those unskippable video ads that have earned that unfortunate title. Studies show that Millennials are far more likely to use ad blockers than older generations. They're actively seeking ways to filter out the digital clutter. Today's younger consumers are overwhelmed by the digital noise. They're yearning for something more authentic, trustworthy, and secure while seeking refuge from the anxiety and information overload that often accompanies the online world. That's where direct mail comes in.

Believe it or not, print and direct mail marketing tactics – like those trusty postcards – are making a serious impression on younger audiences. It's the tangible nature of these materials that makes them stand out. They're a welcome break from the endless stream of digital ads and notifications. With this in mind, many businesses have started to take a step back and reevaluate how the use of more traditional advertising can compliment and even drive their advertising budgets. 

The Power of Direct Mail

The numbers speak for themselves:

  • 90% of Millennials prefer direct mail over email, viewing it as a more reliable source of information.
  • 75% of Millennials find value in the mail they receive.
  • 67% of Millennials perceive physical mail as more personal than email.

Research shows that most people come to expect a physical piece of mail. In a survey done by the USPS, 72% of Gen Z said, “they are excited to discover what the mail brings every day”, and 38% of those surveyed visited an organization's website after receiving a relevant piece of direct mail. Also from the survey, 70% of Gen X respondents believe mail is more personal than digital communications.  

It's clear that direct mail resonates with this generation. It cuts through the digital noise and delivers a message that's both tangible and impactful.

DRMG believes the longevity and success of direct mail is driven by the personal connection fostered by an individual receiving a physically mailed piece. With these stats in mind, we propose that direct mail be integrated, specifically in B2B settings where an ongoing personal connection is key. 

Consider email marketing, you first must have someone opt in before you can push emails to their inbox. Once you get a prospect to opt in there is the possibility your emails could be landing in junk folders or ignored – "[direct mail] feels more important than receiving emails from a brand," according to consumers surveyed by Lob and Comperemedia.**

Some may argue that this could be the same for direct mail,  but we at DRMG know that when it comes to direct mail, the consumer must physically engage with the piece first. In which they will likely read the direct mail piece. Couple that with an eye-catching call to action, and we will have opened the door for further interaction – likely in the digital form. 

Direct mail and digital advertising should be used in tandem, and most of our clients have seen the success of this method in driving new customer acquisition particularly with the first touch point being a direct mail ad supported or complimented with email, social or search ad formats to reinforce the point of difference and calls to action. 

Check out our Direct Mail Guide to help get you started with direct mail or contact us today to get a FREE marketing plan to grow your business!


The 2020-2021 USPS Generational Study | USPS Delivers

**Registration required to access link to survey. 


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